With the beginning of October fast approaching, it brings to mind many things... cooler nights, apple harvest and more vibrant colors of Fall. But one color that is becoming more equated to October is pink.
Think pink! You'll see it everywhere. Don't become complacent to the color... don't roll your eyes... don't ever say "it won't happen to me." We are women, we are mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters and Breast Cancer will hit 1 in 8 women this year alone. Early detection has a 97% survival rate. Do those self-exams, get your mammogram done. It's so important. (BTW, these are numbers I have heard, they are not confirmed. For more accurate statistics, please visit the American Cancer Society website or talk to your doctor.)
Someone very near and dear to me was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, in fact she just had the lump removed yesterday. For her, she caught it in time. For this I am so thankful. During my wait to hear how her surgery went, I was surfing SCS (as always) and I came across a swap for Breast Cancer Awareness - it's due October 5th, so not a lot of time to get cards made, but I signed up anyway. I'm sharing with you the card I made for this swap. I hope you like it. I CASE'd the layout from a snowman card that was submitted in the swap I'm hosting. I absolutely love this and I hope you do, too.

I hope that you will hear my call to take care of your parts - you are most important to someone. Whether it be your children, your spouse, family or friends.
There's not a lot of time to participate in the swap, but there's a whole month to make a card to send to a special woman in your life to remind her how important she is to you.
Big hugs to you all!!
2 Encouraging Thoughts:
Simply beautiful! I love it!
Melissa, this is awesome. I love the fold, and the sentiment you chose couldn't say it better. Thanks for sharing in the swap!
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