Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketches #757

 Hello friends!  Thank you for stopping by.  The latest sketch is up at Tuesday Morning Sketches and it's a fabulous sketch by Debbie. 

My card features products from Brutus Monroe and I am so pleased with how this turned out.

The card base is Glacier card stock from Spellbinders.  The card panel I used the circles stencil from Brutus Monroe masking off the section for my focal point.  I used blue, purple and pink inks.  Then I used the Fabulous Florals die set cutting them from white card stock.  I colored the flowers using the same blue, purple and pink inks.  The center piece and the leaves I colored with green inks.  The flower pieces I then covered with embossing ink and used Pearl embossing powder.  The sentiment is from a Tonic Studios craft kit.  It's a die that I cut using lavender mirror card stock also from Tonic Studios.

Isn't that pearl shine gorgeous!  I just love it.

I do hope you'll join us at TMS.  Leave some love for the team!

3 Encouraging Thoughts:

Donna W. said...

So pretty. I love the way you masked off the center for your flower. The pearl shine is gorgeous.

Patti said...

Just gorgeous--everything about it!!!

Debbie said...

Wow! This is gorgeous! Love the flowers you created, and they are perfect against that BG!!

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