Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketches #760

 Hello!  Thank you for stopping by.  The latest sketch is up at Tuesday Morning Sketches and it's a fun one.  But honestly, I cheated.  I created this sketch based on last month's Tonic Studios craft kit.

Check out my candy box card...

What could be better than chocolates!  I wished these were real while I made this card! I would have loved to nibbled on a few of these while making this card.

And here's this little shaker bit I made...

Isn't this cute!?  I love how this turned out.  I hope you love it, too.  Please join us in the fun.  We'll see you over at the TMS blog!

4 Encouraging Thoughts:

Patti said...

What a fun card Melissa, totally glad you made this sketch however you were inspired! The whole card is so fun and "sweet" lol but that little shaker part put it over the top of the top!!

Debi said...

I agree with Patti! You deserve a box of chocolates after making this great card!

Donna W. said...

Very fun card. How cool to open each door and find chocolate. Making me crave some real chocolate.

Debbie said...

Wow! What a fun and beautiful card!

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