This is the front of the card. I used (retired) Sweet Shapes and this really cool flower that I got in one of my many swaps. I also used some great ribbon I got in a Color Me Happy box.
This ( >>>) is view two. Open the card to the left and the right and this is what you see next. The colors I chose are: Very Vanilla for the base. The ink color is Close to Cocoa, Pumpkin Pie and Garden Green. Can you tell I am ready for Fall?
(<<<) Now you take the middle panels and open up and down to expose the next part of the card.
(>>>) Open up the middle flaps again to the left and right and this is your next view. Open those flaps to the top and bottom and you're back to the first view.
Pretty neat, huh!
I really enjoyed making this card and I found an awesome blog that has video tutorials for this card and lots of other great ones, too. You really need to take the time to check out Dawn's Stamping Thoughts. Her tutorials are very good.
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