I was given some really exciting news last week. I can finally share it with you because I have something to show, too.

Last week or a week and half ago, Marie from The Greeting Farm posted on her blog the sneak peek for her new releases that were to become available May 1st. It's single stamps of these adorable little girls named Dahlia, Annika and Reeta. But her post was asking for suggestions to name the collection of stamps. So there were lots of great suggestions. I had suggested Sprouts. My idea was loved and used! They added another word to it, so the new collection is Wild Sprouts.
My card uses Dahlia and the sketch is from Oz-somestamps and the dp is all mine. I designed it. I was playing with some ideas and buh-lieve me, I am not an artist. But I was playing and came up with this. I thought it looked cool. A bit retro, but still sort of neat.
Anyway, I wanted to post this card quickly because I've had my stamps since Friday and hadn't been able to play yet. But this is my Thank You to Marie for picking my suggestion and sending me all three little girls, too! I am truly appreciative.
7 Encouraging Thoughts:
Super cute images and congrats on her choosing your suggestion... doesnt that just make ya smile!!!! I'm smiling for you!!!
That is super cute! And how cool...Marie chose your suggestion...I would be freaking out! LOL! Congrats chica!
Congratulations!!!! I love this name and am so excited that you came up with it! It is perfect for these little beauties! Great job on your coloring of this and the layout that you created! I adore these spiral clips and the way your paper is peeking through is gorgeous!!!
Yay for Wild Sprouts! They totally match that name now, especially with Marie's whimsical drawings. Congrats on naming your own line (haha!). That lo is awesome, your paper rocks! It matches your blog. ;)
What a perfect name for these little cuties! Why didn't I think to ask you when I was struggling to come up with a blog name??
adorable image and cute card!
Congratulations on Wild Sprouts! What a darling name for these darling stamps! By the way, I love your card!!!!
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